Friday, October 26, 2012

My new doggy

We just moved to a house so we were able to get another animal. Our cat George isnt happy about it but we adopted a one year old dog from the humane society. His name is StanLee. He was a stray when they found him so not sure what kind of dog he is, but he so little only weighs 8 lbs. George and StanLee are starting to get curious about each other, hope they will be friends soon.


  1. This is such a cute photo of your little poochy! He looks adorable! Just watch your cat doesn't bully him!
    Dawn xx

  2. He's just adorable. Give them a month to settle and I'm sure both your babies will be best friends....though as Dawn says, there is a chance your cat will bully him lol. Our cat bullied our yorkie lol. Hugs lin
